Crazy Pixels

Ever since I first laid eyes on Conway’s Game of Life, I’ve been in love with the idea of cellular automatons: small, distinct units that follow some simple, fundamental rules to create beautiful, complex, and strange patterns working together. This prototype was originally inspired by an article I read about cellular automatons, or rather, a video of […]

Encapsulate Your Scope When Looping With Asynchronous Functions

When using for loops in JavaScript, sometimes you can encounter some unexpected behaviour. First, a simple for loop– No tricks: As anyone would expect, this will print out 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 to the console. Now, what if we are operating asynchronously? Next, let’s essentially do the same thing, except with a 1 second […]

Why I Don’t Drive

A personal lifestyle choice that often surprises people is that I don’t own or operate a personal motor vehicle– I don’t even have my license. To the previous generation, this concept is pure anathema, but to me and many of my peers, this is becoming the new normal. Here’s why. 1. It’s not Economical Transportation […]